Calathea Majestica 'White Star' - Bumble Plants
Calathea Majestica 'White Star' - Bumble Plants
Calathea Majestica 'White Star' - Bumble Plants
Calathea Majestica 'White Star' - Bumble Plants
Calathea Majestica 'White Star' - Bumble Plants
Calathea Majestica 'White Star' - Bumble Plants
Calathea Majestica 'White Star' - Bumble Plants
Calathea Majestica 'White Star' - Bumble Plants
Calathea Majestica 'White Star' - Bumble Plants
Calathea Majestica 'White Star' - Bumble Plants

Calathea Majestica 'White Star'

$29.50 /
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Shipped in potted nursery pot

The Calathea Majestica White Star is a rare plant, cultivar of the Ornata Species. Its striking stripes of white and green mixed with a shade of pink makes it a favorite among plant collectors. The Calathea White Star can tolerate low light but loves humidity.

Water when the top ¼ of soil is dry. The best thing is, it's not toxic to pets!

 * You will receive ONE (1) 4" plant in nursery pot, unless stated otherwise. Refer to our FAQ for more information.

Calathea Majestica White Star Care


Water every 7-10days when top 2" of soil is dry. Keep soil moist but not soaking wet.


Medium indirect sunlight or under grow lights.


65°F - 75°F 

Soil Mix

Peat Moss, Perlite, Orchid Bark 


Keep humidity high at 70 - 80%


Every 4 weeks in summer and every 12 weeks in winter


Calathea Majestica White Star Plant Guide



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