Monstera standleyana is a beautiful and popular houseplant that has lovely oval to elliptical glossy deep green juvenile leaves with the occasional fenestration as it ages. It also comes in white or yellow variegated forms, making this plant even more diverse!
* You will receive ONE (1) plant in 4” nursery pot, unless stated otherwise. Refer to our FAQ for more information.
Monstera Standleyana 'Albo Variegata' Plant Care
Water every 5 - 7 days when top 3” of soil is dry.
Medium indirect sunlight or under grow lights.
65°F - 75°F
Soil Mix
Well drained Potting Soil, Peat Moss, Perlite, Orchid Bark
Keep humidity medium at 60 - 70%
Every 4 weeks in summer and every 12 weeks in winter